Service Details


Shipping Agency Services – Ocean Carriers’ Representation

Amid economic crisis, the shipping industry experiences a flattening growth of demand and this results in high volatility of financial performance. We as an agency believe that it is a duty to help our Principals during such times.

We aim to bring cost effectiveness to the Liner Agency business by adopting new technology and automation. This in turn will contribute positively to the bottom line earnings of both the Principal as well as the agency.

Vega Marine (Pvt) Limited operates with absolute transparency and this makes us a true partner for Shipping Lines, NVOCC and Feeder Operators. All cost savings are done keeping our end-clients in focus and without compromising the quality of our services. Our well-experienced team manages operation and documentation with strict quality standards during port call.

Vega Marine (Pvt) Limite's commercial team has a strong connection with the local customers and well-versed with their requirements. This helps to promote our Principal's services in every market we are present. Your brand name is safe and secure with Vega Marine (Pvt) Limited as we are delivering best services through cost-efficient quality measures and use of variety of e-business solutions.

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